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Current Site: Austria
In an important and forward-looking step, Coca-Cola HBC announced in autumn 2021 to reduce its emissions in the entire value chain to net zero by 2040. Net zero emissions means that we want to reduce our emissions across the group to an absolute minimum within the next 20 years. Wherever it is no longer possible to reduce emissions, we will take targeted measures to mitigate or neutralize emissions.
Our production and logistics center in Edelstal and our branches throughout Austria source electricity exclusively from 100% renewable energies. We are proud to say, that all Coca-Cola HBC products are produced using green electricity from hydropower. We’re currently looking for more sustainable alternatives when purchasing natural gas. In total, 56,5% renewable energies are used in our production plant.
The 2.86 MWp system has 9,200 PV modules and generates around 2,924 GWh of electricity annually, which is fed into the local power grid. This corresponds to the annual consumption of around 600 single-family households with four people each. The photovoltaic system saves a total of around 725 tons of CO₂ per year compared to conventional power generation. This corresponds to the annual output of 400 mid-range cars with a mileage of 15,000 kilometers per year. The plant was built by Selina Photovoltaic GmbH in cooperation with SOL Photovoltaic Capital GmbH and is also operated by these companies.
MWp large photovoltaic system
GWh electricity produced annually
tons CO2 saved anually
In cooperation with our suppliers, we also try to make our cooling devices more energy efficient. Thanks to the new line of products in use since 2015, we are able to reduce our energy consumption between 50% and 66% in comparison to the previous models. We have already replaced 100% of chlorofluoro-carbons (CFCs) through HC, or rather, CO2 cooled systems. We are also currently reducing the use of R-134a hydrofluorocar¬bon coolers. Forty-nine percent of our point-of-sale refrigeration equipment consists of energy-efficient EMD or iCoolers.
To reduce our direct and indirect emissions, we are committed to using direct routes of transportation within our own company and with our partners. We also contractually promote the use of environmentally friendly trucks. When it comes to purchasing the ingredients needed and our packaging material, we make sure to use the shortest possible routes mainly by relying on local suppliers. We prefer working with logistics companies that provide eco-friendly solutions such as transportation via train.
The same container is used for roads as well as rail transport when it comes to the intermodal transporta¬tion of our goods to Tirol and Vorarlberg (= transport of goods with at least two different modes of transportation, e.g. rail and truck). In comparison to road transport this avoids about half of the fuel consumption as well as the sulfur dioxides.
Direct transportation between Edelstal and Vienna became more economical and environmental thanks to the Green Logistics shuttle concept. Here special lightweight vehicles are loaded and dispatched in ad¬vance and only need to be unhitched or hitched to the tractor unit. The short turnaround times increase the number of trips per vehicle and day, reducing fuel consumption, and CO2 emissions.
Among other things, the group-wide Net Zero strategy aims to ensure a 53% reduction in CO2 emissions from its vehicle fleet within the Coca-Cola HBC Group by 2030. Coca-Cola HBC Austria initiated this forward-thinking step as part of a pilot project as early as 2021, delivering the first 25 electric vehicles to the team. The rollout will be carried on in several waves in 2022.