Our Route to Sustainability

Our route to sustainability

As part of the Coca-Cola system in Austria, we take responsibility for the people, the environment and the region in which we operate. Solidarity and equal opportunities within society as well as the responsible use of resources are not just lip service to us, but a lived corporate philosophy.

In order to meet the most important global challenges that affect our industry, our society and our planet, we focus our resources and invest in areas that are particularly important for the common good. This includes ecological packaging and recycling, climate protection and energy as well as water and swell protection, but also health and nutrition as well as inclusion and diversity.

Especially in day-to-day business, it is not always easy for companies to not only record sustainability on paper, but also to implement measures in a targeted manner. We have therefore strategically approached these subject areas and defined concrete sustainability goals for us to follow.

Our “Mission 2025” consists of seventeen sustainability commitments based on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It focuses on six core areas along our value chain: climate protection and energy and the associated reduction in emissions, water and source protection, packaging and recycling, procurement of raw materials, nutrition as well as our team and our communities.

You can find detailed information about our priorities in the area of sustainability in Austria in our sustainability report: