Local impact in Numbers

Local impact in numbers

Coca-Cola is available in Austria since 1929 and is now more than ever ready to refresh local consumers. As part of Coca-Cola HBC, we clearly commit to our strong international background, but also to our local roots. Therefore, local production and local added value instead of import has always been our focus.

Production of Coca-Cola returnable glass bottles Production of Coca-Cola returnable glass bottles

We bottle locally

By means of its investments, the company thus makes an important contribution along the entire value chain. We generate local added value of €774 million for the Austrian economy.  This corresponds to 0,22% of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Our secret ingredient are our people 

We couldn’t have become what we are today, if it wasn’t for our people. Today, we employ around 800 people in production, sales and distribution. As an employment effect in other business segments such as the supply industry, the transport and retail sectors, Coca-Cola creates, as a major business partner for many companies, a significant number of jobs.

~ 519

Mio. liters
produced in Austria

~ 800

at Coca-Cola HBC Austria

~ € 20

in the local production site in Edelstal


Source: Coca-Cola HBC Austria & Coca-Cola Austria Sustainability Report 2022