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Current Site: Austria
Furthermore we comply with external guidelines which concern handling, measuring and reporting of certain issues. These include:
Greenhouse Gas Protocol
We calculate and submit data concerning our greenhouse gas emissions to the Group Central Office which transfers them to the GHG Protocol using their CO2 accounting tool.
LBG Model
We measure and report our community investment according to the widely recognized approach of the London Benchmarking Group.
Public policy discussions take many forms, avocacy being one
Advocacy is a way for organisations – including NGOs and companies – to ensure that their views are heard, or at least considered by policy makers. At Coca‑Cola HBC, we table our advocacy efforts mainly through trade associations, which represent companies, organisations, causes and industries. We may also engage in limited direct advocacy in circumstances where trade associations are either not active or cannot meet our requirements.
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
We report our progress in our Sustainability Report using this leading framework for sustainability reporting.
We implement the voluntary code of the Union of the European Beverage Association in the framework of the EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health. These commitments cover the beverages we offer, how they are marketed, nutritional information provided and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
Speak up! Line
At Coca‑Cola HBC we depend on the trust that our customers, consumers and partners are placing in us. We all have an obligation to earn that trust every day. Our reputation is built on our behavior in our workplace and when representing Coca‑Cola HBC. Our values require us to be open, fair and honest and to act with integrity. Everywhere we operate we will honor our promises and do what is right and not just easy.
With the anonymous Speak up! Line the management of Coca‑Cola HBC supports and encourages everyone to raise concerns of potential compliance issues. The company does not tolerate retaliation against individuals who raise concerns honestly.